I am Cassandra Clare,‘Cass’ to my nearest and dearest
Soul Alignment Coach. Channel for Healing. Ceremonial Breath Medicine Guide. Mystic. Teacher. Mother.
Do you hear the subtle call of your Soul Song, beckoning you into the mystery of who you truly are? Perhaps you’ve felt a gentle unfolding yet aren’t sure where the path leads. Maybe you’ve caught glimpses of old patterns echoing through your life - patterns you yearn to leave behind. One foot is planted in the life you know while the other hovers at the threshold of your becoming. You sense there’s more to life than the everyday, but you wonder how to access the full spectrum of your power and sensuality.
If you feel the stir of spiritual gifts but aren’t sure how to embrace them, I see you.
I guide women and femmes through a profound reclamation process - unearthing unprocessed wounds, transmuting stagnant energy, dissolving shame and fear, and releasing beliefs that no longer resonate with the song of your soul in order to step forward on the path of love. Together, we awaken your body from its conditioning into a vibrant, energetic force, overflowing with sensuality and bliss. As we ignite the sacred compass within, you open a direct channel to your essence, remembering the radiant truth of who you are here to be.
If you’re ready to emerge as your sovereign self - stepping into each day with certainty and ease - then the path of Soul Alignment is before you. The whispers of your essence are strong. Answer the call and reclaim the fullness of your being.
Let us walk this path together.
While holding others on their path to healing is the harmony of my Soul Song…
This was not always the case
For years, I tried to wedge myself into the mould society handed me… ticking every box, fulfilling every expectation, keeping my spiritual gifts firmly in the broom closet and clinging to the hope that if I played the ‘good girl’, one day I’d finally be chosen. Yet beneath that polished façade, a gentle but insistent whisper pulsed: You are more than this. I just didn’t know how to heed its call.
Carrying old wounds kept me yearning
The echoes of my childhood - lingering trauma, patterns of abuse, and the heartbreak of losing my mother - once kept me small and disconnected from my own feminine power. I thought years of talk therapy meant I was ‘healed’, simply because I could speak of my pain without tears. But my body carried a different story. It yearned for tenderness, for permission to express, for the depth of true release.
Even after nearly a decade in primary education - driven by my desire to offer children the same compassionate support my own teachers once gave me - I still felt a deeper calling stirring in my heart. Eventually, I diverted my energy into building a business with my husband, choosing what felt safe over stepping boldly into my destiny as a sovereign, feminine guide. Yet, through it all, that soft, persistent inner voice never faded; it continued to urge me toward a purpose far greater than I could have imagined.
The more I loved and healed the pieces of my neglected, dis-membered body, the more I re-membered who I was here to be.
The birth portal was a sacred turning point
The birth of my first daughter became a moment of reckoning. I arrived at that threshold clinging to my old identity, hoping something or someone would ‘save’ me from the wild unknown of childbirth. Instead, I found myself face-to-face with the same patterns of abuse, neglect, and fear that lived deep within. This time, postnatal depression and the trauma of birth stripped away my ability to numb or escape. My soul demanded that I truly surrender.
In that rawness, a deep and holy alchemy began. Layer by layer, I peeled back old conditioning, releasing my hidden grief and unspoken shame. It was as though an entire lifetime of fear began to crumble. Though the process was undeniably painful, it also felt fiercely liberating - an initiation I so desperately needed.
My connection to Spirit opened wide. I sought teachers and mentors who could nurture my blossoming intuition, and discovered a world beyond the veil that sparkled with possibilities. It was a a process of deep remembering, I had walked this path many times before, and it was calling me home.
Reclaiming the temple of my body
As I immersed myself in this sacred rebirth, I saw how often women’s bodies - my own included - have been judged, policed, and denied their natural radiance. After a prophylactic mastectomy and three soul babies that did not make it earth-side, I truly felt my body was defective and I rejected it as much as I believed it had rejected me. By walking through the darkness, and through the imposed shame and stifling expectations, I found a vessel brimming with delight, creative energy, and sensual expression. I learned to reclaim my sensuality as a birthright, letting it flow without apology. The more I loved and healed the pieces of my neglected, dis-membered body, the more I re-membered who I was.
My second birth, a glorious homebirth steeped in primal power, was an other-worldly somatic release. Memories of past traumas unravelled in the sacred intensity of bringing new life into the world. In that moment, as I stood on the threshold between birth and rebirth, my maiden self-fell away, and I was initiated into the mother I was always destined to be.
Discovering my Soul Song in stillness
In the quiet moments of my postpartum days - rocking my newborn in a lullaby of unconditional love - I felt a clear knowing of my path. My Soul Song reverberated in my bones: I was meant to hold space for other women in this profound dance of transformation. To create sanctuaries where each could remember her own wholeness, reclaim her pleasure, and embody every facet of her unique essence.
A devotion to Soul Alignment
As my awareness and intuition continued to expand, energy healing revealed the sacred bonds that connect body, mind, and soul across realms seen and unseen. It was like stepping into a vast new world, where our inner and outer universes dance in constant communion. Alongside this, breath medicine introduced me to the power of fully inhabiting my body - a somatic portal through which love, liberation, and healing flow. Merging these modalities with spiritual practices and soul-alignment coaching has given me the knowledge and tools to invite others into profound, heart-centred transformation. Together, we create a container that honours both the tender whispers of the heart and the soul’s fierce longing for freedom. The path of love becomes clear.
Through my coaching containers - rooted in energy work, spirit connection, and embodied practices - I guide clients into a realm of profound healing, celebration, and reclamation. We face outdated stories, dissolve them with loving awareness, and invite the radiant self - the one that’s been whispering all along - to step boldly into the light.
Your own rebirth awaits
Beloved soul, if you feel that subtle yearning for more - if your body and soul are whispering that you are capable of deeper love, greater pleasure, and boundless possibilities - I invite you into this sacred container of transformation. As your guide, I will hold you in unwavering compassion, dance with you in your joy, and gently remind you of your inherent worthiness: You are love. You are power. You are here to become the fullest, most luminous expression of yourself.
My training and qualifications:
I am currently walking the path of Priestess and Ceremonial Temple Guide with Priestess Presence in the lineage of The13 Moon Mystery School
Ceremonial Breathwork Facilitator (Holumina)
Advancing Spirit Worker (Tony Stockwell)
Life Coach (Beautiful You Coaching Academy)
Advanced Certificate in Energy Healing (Ashati Institute)
Unlocking Your Soul’s Potential & Trance Mediumship (Sean Collyns & Tony Stockwell)
Alsemia Healer, Master (Ashati Institute)
Ashati Healer, Master, Soul Rescue, Ascension (Ashati Institute)
Reiki I, II & III (Ashati Institute)
Bachelor of Education (Southern Cross University)
Bachelor of Teaching (Wollongong University)